Our ray of hope baby

Our ray of hope baby

Meet our very newest baby rhino, just a few hours old in this photo (19/03/2020). For us at Thanda Safari, he represents all that is positive in this time of uncertainty and fear. He indeed has a story to tell.Ryan (Rhino Monitor) and Lorraine (Wildlife Manager) were...
The year in Twelve pictures!

The year in Twelve pictures!

ALL OF US AT THANDA SAFARI WISH YOU A HAPPY NEW YEAR 2019. Christian Sperka, Thanda Safari’s Resident Wildlife Photographer, shares twelve of his favourite wildlife images of 2018. Enjoy the pictures! www.thanda.com | www.sperka.com  I took this picture...
No interest!

No interest!

One would imagine that the appearance of carnivores like Cheetahs would lead to the flight of any herbivores, which are usually on the menu list of big cats.But the Thanda Safari guests enjoyed a sighting of two Cheetah males ignoring a dazzle of Zebras. Adult Zebras...
A month in pictures!

A month in pictures!

Christian Sperka, Thanda Safari’s Resident Wildlife Photographer, put together his October collection of great shots. Enjoy this visual record of Thanda’s beauty. … and have a good weekend! Yawning a bit … Click here to read more about the unique Thanda Safari...