Story of water…

Thanda Team

It’s funny how easily we overlook the value of water as it is always there for our everyday use in our industrial way of living. For animals being out in a natural environment though, mmmm the value of water is worth fighting over and protecting it as a source to survive the harsh African bush.

Especially in the current season, we find ourselves in. Winter has been very dry this year at Thanda Safari and only several waterholes contain water. This means that animals move great distances to get to the water, like elephants and rhino and buffalo to name a few, others move their whole group or family from there once abundant areas to the semi-crowded areas where at least there is water to stay alive.

As if that was not enough already, they also get found easier by predators because now the predators know about these localized spots and the food they contain. They have to pay the price for the most valued thing out here at the moment.

So the water and electricity bill must not bother you that much again, calm your thoughts with the everyday life of a wild animal, where every day is a battle for survival.

Thanda Safari’s rain started to appear around September and our hope is that it will continue to fill up all the waterholes and give the reserve its green lush colours again full of life.

One interesting thing though is it has not really affected any of the birth-giving and pregnancies, Thanda Safari is filled with baby animals of all sorts and it’s all coming alive even more so as others will also now start to give birth as the rain starts to fall.

Kyle Grobler