Where luxury and wildlife converge.

Etiam quis blandit erat. Donec laoreet libero non metus volutpat consequat in vel metus. Sed non augue id felis pellentesque congue et vitae tellus. Donec ullamcorper libero nisl, nec blandit dolor tempus feugiat. Aenean neque felis, fringilla nec placerat eget, sollicitudin a sapien. Cras ut auctor elit.

Opulent safari living at its finest.

Discover your ultimate Thanda adventure.

Thanda Safari

KwaZulu Natal, South Africa

Thanda Tented Camp

KwaZulu Natal, South Africa

Villa iZulu

KwaZulu Natal, South Africa

The Royal Residences

KwaZulu Natal, South Africa

Thanda Island

Off the coast of Tanzania, East Africa

Thanda Safari offers a life-changing experience of the wild, matched with a deep commitment to Zulu culture and environmental conservation.

Plan your stay with us.

South Africa Tanzania
Thanda Safari Thanda Tented Camp Villa iZulu The Royal Residences Thanda Island
+27 32 586 0149 reservations@thanda.co.za